Monday, 11 June 2012

Democracy or Dictatorship

Democracy or no democracy, whether or not you think we should be in or out of Europe, you should agree there needs to be a referendum. That is what democracy is and since the aristocrats aren't allowing us to vote on the matter, we do not live in a democratic state but a dictatorship whereby Cameron and his goons make the decisions for us. Not to mention him and the German Chancellor talking about how we need to give more power to Europe. We need to get out of the EU before it either destroys us economically, or it absorbs us into an unelected EUSSR. We can trade with Europe after all we are one of their biggest customers, but we do not want nor need any political ties with them.  Merkal and Co are using this economic crisis to try and create a Federal Socialist European state via the back door and the rich tory financiers along with the labour socialists both embrace this concept. We need and deserve a referendum on our membership in the EU , we originally voted to join ONLY a common market NOT a European Union

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