Sunday, 10 June 2012

Nigel’s offer to Cameron

"Slightly eccentric brand of Eurosceptic nationalism"
Call it what you like but It would appear that that it has got the LibLabCon rattled hence the offer a Referendum stories now emerging. Cameron spouted "it is for the Greek people to decide if the stay in the Euro/EU....." How long before he has to allow the British people the same say on UK membership? No one is going to trust the 3 major parties to hold a fair open referendum after the broken promises of last election and the recent vote in the House. The only way to force this issue is to
vote UKIP. A vote for LibLabCon is a vote for more of the same, there is nothing between any of them on the economy, Europe, immigration. We need real change in the UK. A strong UKIP vote will focus a few minds in the Tory hierarchy. If EU membership is so wonderful, so crucial to he UK why are they so reluctant to have the debate? Let's have the debate, let the europhiles make their case as they have failed miserably to date.  As for UKIP, they do not need to offer the Tories anything as they know that as things stand UKIP can take enough votes off the Tories to prevent Cameron winning an outright majority. 1 million votes last time, it will be a lot more next time around. Who needs MPs in Westminster when we all know the real power has been transferred to Brussels where UKIP is represented and doing its best to highlight what a rotten club the EU has become. The BBC and other establishment media are not going to be able to ignore Farage and UKIP forever the cat is out of the bag and the people want their say. If, as a politician, you are going to disregard your electorate, you should at least get it right. But on the EU, for forty odd years, our leaders could hardly have been more wrong in their arrogant and contemptuous disregard for the opinions of the electorate. You would think the euro crisis would have been a humbling experience for them, that it might have made them reflect that paying heed to the electorate may not be such a bad idea after all...But no. On they go, undeterred. The euro must be saved. Germany must bail it out. We will even contribute to the cost of doing so. But we won't risk a referendum. The penny has still not dropped: our political class seems to think that the problem is that we despise them. But the real problem is that they despise us.

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